How to install or setup Genymotion Emulator with Android Studio

Fatima Asad
3 min readAug 24, 2020


How to create a Virtual Device in Android Studio.

Android Studio have AVD Manager (Android Virtual Device Manager). You can create your own
virtual device for TV, Phone, Tablet wear. You can create a virtual device by clicking to AVD Manager button at toolbar. Now Click on Create a new Virtual Device, Now in Select Hardware choose Phone and then click Next.

Select the system image for a particular API level, and then click Next.

The Recommended tab lists recommended system images. The other tabs include a more complete list. The right pane describes the selected system image. x86 images run the fastest in the emulator.

In Configure Hardware Profile you can easily change screen dimensions, Memory etc or leave by default settings.Click on finish to Create a device

Install or Setup Genymotion Emulator with Android Studio

1. Go to Genymotion Website.Sign up and download Genymotion with virtualbox or if you have already installed virtualbox then download it without virtualbox.

Best Emulatior with Android Studio

2. Install them and run Genymotion. Create a new Genymotion virtual device by clicking it on Add. Choose your desired Virtual Device and click on Next. Wait to download it.

3. Now click on S tart to check whether your virtual device is working or not.

4. Open Android Studio in menu click on file and goto s ettings in drop down Menu. In a search menu write plugins and click on it.

5. In right side of dialogue-box search for genymotion and click on browse.Install the plugin and restart your Android Studio.

6. Now you can see Genymotion Device Manager icon on toolbar. Click on it after that it will ask you to set directory path which will look like this C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion. After setting up directory path close it.

7. Now Run again Genymotion Device Manager to check it is working or not here you will see your all genymotion virtual devices. Select your virtual device and Click on Start to run it.

8. Congrats your Genymotion Emulator is setup. It’s time to run your application but clicking on execute button.

If you didn’t understand yet please watch this video

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